This Is Why I Am So Talented...
Assistant Director of Design & Graphics 2006 – present
Responsible for the coordination of all elements needed to design news and features pages
Mentoring the staff in both features and news design.
Working closely with the design director in all aspects of the daily operations of the graphics department.
Taking a leadership role in implementing future content changes.
Supervising staff development of Flash and other tools to enhance The Courant’s news presentation on-line.
Reviewing daily and advance story outlines to identify stories with visual potential.
Working with photo editors to determine how best to communicate a story visually.
Establishing deadlines for art and graphics and monitoring the progress of assignments.
Designing specific Features section fronts.
Design Editor 2000 -2006
Job included the task of strengthening the entire graphics and design process, from conception and origination to execution.
Responsible for coordinating all illustrations and graphics needed to design news and Features section fronts.
Designer 1995 - 2000
Designed pages, mainly for the Features sections.
Also designed other sections of the paper, including Business, Sports and News.
Contributor to the major redesign of The Hartford Courant during this period.
Graphic Artist 1993 - 1994
Worked as informational graphic artist, producing maps, graphs and large infographics.
Print Magazine: Regional Design Annuals 2004 & 2005
Society for News Design: Awards of Excellence for illustrations and portfolio 1995-2007
Society for News Design: Silver medal award-winner 1999
New England Associated Press Awards: Received numerous awards for feature-page designs
Society for News Design: Member of the design department of The Hartford Courant which achieved recognition as one of the World’s Best Designed Newspaper in 2000 and 2004
B.A., Graphic Design, University of Connecticut - 1993
References available upon request