My Head
My Nose
My Eye
My Ear
My Mouth

Who Am I?

I was Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, Greenest state in the land of the free. Raised in the woods so's I knew every tree, I killed me a bear when I was only three. No wait...that was Davy name is Chris Moore. I am a graphic artist currently working as an art director at The Hartford Courant - the oldest continously published newspaper in the country. I recieved a degree in Graphic Design from the University of Connecticut in 1993 and have since worked at The Courant - doing everything from night graphics to news coverage and later mainly features. Currently I am the art director of a department of 3 - much reduced from it's from 15...and so now I am trying to catch up on my education to learn about the internet in an effort to make myself more marketable as a designer. If you want to see the whole picture - touch a piece of me....